All Falls Down (Wild Cards Remix)

All Falls Down (Wild Cards Remix)

Wild Cards

更新:2023-07-16 03:06
What's the trick? I wish I knew
恋爱有秘诀吗 我想知道
I'm so done with thinking through all the things I could've been
And I know you wonder too
All it takes is that one look you do and I run right back to you
You cross the line and it's time to say F you
你已越过我的底线 是时候与你分道扬镳了
What's the point in saying that when you know how I'll react?
你明知道我会作何反应 为什么还要说出口呢
You think you can just take it back, but **** just don't work like that
已经说出口的话 你以为还能收回吗 但却覆水难收
You're the drug that I'm addicted to, and I want you so bad
你是让我上瘾的毒药 让我如此强烈地想念你
Guess I'm stuck with you, and that's that
我想与你纠缠 事实上却互相羁绊
'Cause when it all falls down, then whatever
因为当尘埃落定 无论如何
When it don't work out for the better
If it just ain't right, and it's time to say goodbye
如果根本就是错的 那就该是时候告别
When it all falls down, when it all falls down
当你所坚持的一切轰然倒塌 当一切都尘埃落定
I'll be fine, I'll be fine
我会没事的 我会安然无恙
Why we fight? I don't know
我们为什么要争吵 我不知缘由
We say what hurts the most
Oh, I tried staying cold, but you take it personal
我竭力保持冷静 你却太过在意
All these firing shots and making ground
It's way too hard to cope, but I still can't let you go
已经疲于应付 但我仍然不愿放手
'Cause when it all falls down, then whatever
因为当尘埃落定 无论如何
When it don't work out for the better
If it just ain't right, and it's time to say goodbye
如果根本就是错的 那就该是时候告别
When it all falls down, when it all falls down
当你所坚持的一切轰然倒塌 当一切都尘埃落定
I'll be fine, I'll be fine
我会没事的 我会安然无恙
'Cause when it all falls down, then whatever
因为当尘埃落定 无论如何
When it don't work out for the better
If it just ain't right, and it's time to say goodbye
如果根本就是错的 那就该是时候告别
When it all falls down, when it all falls down
当你所坚持的一切轰然倒塌 当一切都尘埃落定
I'll be fine, I'll be fine(I'll be fine)
我会没事的 我会安然无恙
I'll be fine, I'll be fine(I'll be fine)
我会没事的 我会安然无恙