Change (Explicit)

Change (Explicit)

J. Cole

更新:2023-07-11 09:31
My intuition is telling me there'll be better days
我的直觉告诉我 我的日子会渐渐好转
My intuition is telling me there'll be better days
我的直觉告诉我 我的日子会渐渐好转
I like this tone
Yeah my intuition is telling me there'll be better days
我的直觉告诉我 日子将会越变越好
I sit in silence and find whenever I meditate
每当我冥想时 我静坐着并寻找答案
My fears alleviate my tears evaporate
我的恐惧减轻不少 我的眼泪消失殆尽
My faith don't deviate ideas don't have a date
我的信念不会改变分毫 思想永不过时
But see I'm growing and getting stronger with every breath
随着每一次呼吸 我都在成长 越变越强大
Bringing me closer to heaven's doors with every step
我向前迈出的每一步 让我愈发接近天堂之门
As we speak I'm at peace no longer scared to die
当我们畅所欲言时 我心如止水 不再害怕死亡
Most don't believe in God and so they terrified
大多数人并不信仰上帝 所以他们心生恐惧
It's either that or they be fearing they gon' go to hell
无论怎样 他们害怕自己堕入地狱
Asking the father for forgiveness God
I'm overwhelmed
As if he's spiteful like them white folks that control the jail
See I believe if God is real he'd never judge a man
我相信倘若上帝存在于世 祂不会对任何人妄加揣测
Because he knows us all and therefore he would understand
因为祂了解我们所有人 因此祂会体谅我们
The ignorance that make a take his brother's life
The bitterness and pain that got him beating on his wife
I know you desperate for a change at the pen glide
But the only real change come from inside
But the only real change come from inside
But the only real change come from
In cemeteries or in chains I see men cry
在葬礼上 或者身负枷锁的时候 我看到人们伤心落泪
But the only real change come from inside
But the only real change come from inside
But the only real change come from
Yeah my chosen religion Jesus piece frozen from sinnin'
镶满钻石的耶稣像项链源自罪孽之中 这就是我选择的信仰
Doin' dirt hoping to God he know my intentions
尽管我干着违法勾当 但我希望上帝知晓我的真实意图
To see a million 'fore I see a casket
在我离开人世之前 我要赚到盆满钵满
I got a baby on the way know he gon' be a bastard
我快要有孩子了 但我知道他是个私生子
I'm living fast like I'm in a drag race how that cash taste
我过着放纵的生活 好似我在驾车飞驰 品尝着荣华富贵的滋味
When I was a senior I was ballin' on my classmates
当我读大四的时候 我和同学一起寻欢作乐
Put three bullets in my car one hit the gas tank
有人朝我的车里开了三枪 一颗子弹打中油箱
Know I got a angel cause I'm supposed to have a halo
我知道天使守护着我 因为我应该拥有光环
Right now my lifestyle destined for a federal facility
For my ability to make them birds fly
Fiends wanna get higher than a bird's eye view
And who am I tell a what to do
I just supply it's economics
我只负责创作 遵循市场经济的运作规律
My business ain't got the suit and tie
Keep a pistol at all times want what's mine
每时每刻都带着枪 以防有人觊觎属于我的东西
I can't oblige dog I work too hard
我无法任人差遣 我努力工作
So reach for it get referred to God I'm going hard
所以靠自己去争取吧 得到上帝的认可 我要奋力拼搏
I know you desperate for a change at the pen glide
But the only real change come from inside
But the only real change come from inside
But the only real change come from
In cemeteries or in chains I see men cry
在葬礼上 或者身负枷锁的时候 我看到人们伤心落泪
But the only real change come from inside
But the only real change come from inside
But the only real change come from
Yeah prodigal son got a new gun this one
浪子回头 将手中的笔当成新武器
Don't run out of ammo lately been working on my handles
墨水就是源源不断的弹药 最近我一直在努力创作
Can I ball become a star and remain my self
我能否在名声大噪以后 依然保持初心
If I fall dust it off and regain my self
如果我跌倒 我会拂去尘土 重新找回自我
F**k ''em all they don't know all the pain I felt
不要理睬那些家伙 他们不知道我承受的痛苦
I'm in awe after all the fame I felt I evolve
在我成名之后 我心生敬畏 我觉得我已得到升华
I no longer bury demons I be a vessel for the truth
我不再埋藏我的心魔 我成为真理的载体
Until I'm barely breathing I'm singing
直到我无法呼吸的那一刻 我也会尽情歌唱
Life is all about the evolution
I give up I give in I move back a little
我会放弃 也会屈服 有时我也会退却
I live up I look up now I'm back for more
我享受生活 抬头仰望天空 现在我卷土重来
You can dream but don't neglect the execution
你可以勇敢做梦 但是不要纸上谈兵
I give up I give in I move back a little
我会放弃 也会屈服 有时我也会退却
I live up I look up now I'm back for more
我享受生活 抬头仰望天空 现在我卷土重来
Time is short that's what somebody told me
I give up I give in I move back a little
我会放弃 也会屈服 有时我也会退却
I live up I look up now I'm back for more
我享受生活 抬头仰望天空 现在我卷土重来
Too short to keep following your homies
时间转瞬即逝 以致于无法跟你的朋友并肩战斗
I give up I give in I move back a little
我会放弃 也会屈服 有时我也会退却
I live up I look up now I'm back for more
我享受生活 抬头仰望天空 现在我卷土重来
I reminisce back to a time where threw they hands
All of a sudden pop a trunk and then we scram
突然有人打开后备箱 我们就落荒而逃
Finger on trigger make a little understand
手指扣着扳机 这一刻大家就会明白
What it's like to finally be the motherf**kin' man
Eyes wide that's from the power that the coward feels
Die over b**ches disrespecting dollar bills
兄弟因为女人 无礼冒犯和金钱丢掉性命
Bloodshed that turned the city to a battlefield
I call it poison you call it real
我说这就是毒药 你却说这就是真实
That's how you feel
Pistols be poppin' and drop in a heartbeat
枪声四起 有人应声倒地
Scattered like roaches a body laid on the concrete
像蟑螂一样四处逃窜 去世的人躺在水泥地上
Body laid on the concrete
Look somebody laid on the concrete
看啊 有人横尸街头
No time for that ain't no lookin' back cause I'm running too
我没有时间去考虑这些事 我也无法回头 因为我也在逃跑
I made it home I woke up and turned on the morning news
我回到家里 一觉醒来之后 打开早间新闻
Overcame with a feeling I can't explain
Cause that was my James that was slain he was 22
因为我的朋友James不幸遇难 他年仅22岁
Last night at around
He was 22